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Witness the blacksmith forge tools and the pharmacist concoct salves with herbs grown in the garden outside the window at The Farmers’ Museum. Tour Hyde Hall, a (possibly haunted) British American County House from the time of Jane Austen. While there, check out the oldest wooden covered bridge in the United States, just inside Glimmerglass State Park. Even more, the entire Village of Gilbertsville is on the National Register of Historic Places. For a family-friendly option, take a history tour aboard the Leatherstocking Trolley in Cooperstown and around Otsego Lake.
Take a leisurely drive to see Historic Markers throughout the county on your way to your destination.
Business from a different view... Ever wonder why Cooperstown is considered one of America’s favorite hometowns? Maybe ponder instead, WHO makes Cooperstown so special? ...Take a minute to discover The Real MVPs in…